Yuniorat Period (5 - 6 Years)
This is the time to integrate our religious living in our community, prayer and apostolic work according to our sisterhood's spirit. In this period, junior sisters will be involved in our apostolic work in order to develop their spiritual conscience and to be able to commit to follow Him for a lifetime through Kaul Kekal.

Kaul Pertama-Salib Ceremony

Together Stronger

Kaul Pertama-Konstitusi Ceremony

Good Shepherd
Kaul Kekal (Permanent Oath)
This is the ceremony where junior sisters commit their lives to God in the spirit of our founder, Sister Elizabeth Gruyters, as symbolized through the pledge of Kaul Kekal (Permanent Oath).

kaul Kekal Ceremony

Kaul Kekal-Cincin Ceremony
Mediorat Period (8 - 30 Years)
This is the time where Sisters CB continuously develop and grow their personal connection with Jesus and actualize that connection in their lives through apostolic work within the spirit of Sister Elizabeth Gruyters and the Congregation so that the world can see His work through us.

Seniorat Period
This is where our senior sisters enter the phase of deepening and purification where they become the foundation of the Congregation. Senior sisters, along with other sisters, will together deepen their balanced connection with God, Jesus, their community and the world.